Wednesday, May 16, 2012

More of Cedar

 This post is just a bunch of pictures of Cedar. She is almost 2 months old here. She is getting more interactive, smiley and cuter every day! (This is the first time we've posted with Blogger's new setup- it is easier to put pictures on, but not so easy to place them where we want them...sorry that it doesn't look great)

She decided she really likes the "football hold"

Already so reverent :)
She loves watching TV... just like her Papa


We took her to get professional pictures done...

  ...we played dress up to see which outfit she should wear 
  we went with the purple outfit, because the dress is still a little too big


John's work sent us flowers 
Gene Simmons at the ward talent show
it's the football hold

we love her so much!

A visit from the Grandparents

We are so glad John's parents were able to come to Alaska to meet Cedar! We had a wonderful time while they were here. We mostly just sat around looking at and holding Cedar. They sure love their little grand daughter. The 10 days went by way too fast, but we were lucky to have them for that long.  

Our little Angel!
Cedar's first Easter
Easter Sunday

Grandpa's girl

cute Easter outfit

momma loves me

the drive down to the Wildlife Reserve
the lynx eating lunch
2 year old brown bear
Cedar's first bear
Enjoying the sun at the Alyeska Hotel